Healthier Choices, One Scan at a Time

Glycemic Index Scanner revolutionizes how you approach your diet. Simply point your camera at any food, and instantly see its glycemic index. Plus, get smart suggestions for lower GI alternatives, making healthier choices easier than ever

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Smart Eating Starts with a Scan

Your personal GI assistant, right in your pocket

  • Index home small
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  • Index scan small
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  • Index small
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  • Glycemic Index History Tracker

    Easily monitor your low GI diet progress with our comprehensive glycemic index history page. View all your scanned foods and their GI scores, empowering you to make informed decisions for better blood sugar management and weight control

  • Instant Glycemic Index Scanner

    Revolutionize your healthy eating habits with our real-time GI food scanner. Simply aim your camera at any food item to instantly reveal its glycemic index, helping you manage diabetes, control weight, and improve overall nutrition effortlessly.

  • Low GI Food Alternatives Finder

    Explore detailed nutritional information and discover healthier, low glycemic index food options. Our smart AI suggests personalized low GI alternatives, supporting your journey towards better blood sugar control, weight management, and improved energy levels

  • Built on Unicorn Platform